Why I Hate Women

What's up, gang?

I've got to say it—women are just the worst. They are so annoying; it's like they never stop talking. Seriously, it's like they have to comment on everything, and it's always about stuff that doesn't even matter. Every time they open their mouths, it's just blah, blah, blah. Why can't they just stay quiet for once?

And then there's the whole thing with their bodies. I mean, why do they have vaginas? It’s so weird and gross. And don't get me started on the amount of hair they have. It's like they're covered in it. I just want to rip it all off. Every time I see all that hair, it just makes me so mad. Why can't they just get rid of it?

Not to mention, they act like they're so special just because they're girls. It's like they think they're better than everyone else just because of that. It drives me crazy. They're always talking about their feelings and trying to make everything about themselves. I just can't stand it.

Honestly, the more I think about it, the more I realize how much I can't stand women. Everything about them just annoys me so much. I wish they would just stop being so... them. (i hate women btwe